Recognition: The cornerstone to a new and improved insurance industry

Recognition: The cornerstone to a new and improved insurance industry

"Insurance facilitates superheroes.”

Think about this for a moment. A statement like this immediately conjures up some pretty positive vibes. It’s easy to discount such a comment as a pithy throwaway line, but according to Richard Wyatt, Chief Underwriting Officer, Ansvar Insurance, it typifies exactly what the industry means to its customers and practitioners.

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This is not the A-League but the Kids are definitely alright

This is not the A-League but the Kids are definitely alright

Low-hanging gums creak welcomingly as we make our way down the cracked, undulating pathway. My son – torn between scurrying ahead and staying close to me – surveys the expanse of green lawn before us, trying to pick out an ally, his hand gripping mine. He soon spots one and I feel his hand worm its way out of mine until the sensation is no more than a memory. I watch him run along the path, the stops in his boots clattering on the concrete like a billy goat on a bridge. He weaves his way through the burgeoning crowd of parents and volunteers and joins his friend in a game of kick to kick.

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Claims: the Human Challenge

Claims: the Human Challenge

Even at this early hour, the foyer of the Mantra Hotel is bristling with activity. Between the congregation of tourists checking in and business people checking out, were those who had still not sampled breakfast and seemed to be on their own time, mastering it, unfazed by the hubbub surrounding them. And as we sit at a table by the window, sipping our tea, the complicated relationship between people and time is a familiar concept to Andrew Thomas, Head of Construction Practice Group & Executive Adjuster at Cunningham Lindsey Australia.

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The Man Who Would Be a Tree

The Man Who Would Be a Tree

He barely looks up when she walks past his desk. He is unsure, shy, reserved and cautious. All of the above. But he notices. Notices the way she strides with purpose, her notebook held firmly to her breast, her footsteps the sound of water slushing around in a bottle. He watches her surreptitiously for a fortnight, catching a glimpse of her trailing, bobbing ponytail as she bounces past.

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Manning up - how I learned a valuable lesson the hard way

Manning up - how I learned a valuable lesson the hard way

Men, like me, consider ourselves strong, dependable and able to provide for our families. We’re tough, macho, heroic. Or we like to think we are. We don’t like visiting the doctor, we don’t like talking about our feelings, we don’t like sharing. Because we’re afraid. That’s right, I said it. We’re more afraid of the prospect of admitting we have problems than the effects of the problems themselves.

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Five ways to avoid the pitfalls of a bad presentation

Five ways to avoid the pitfalls of a bad presentation

Being forced to sit through a bad presentation is like a form of torture. Worse still if you’ve paid for it. Whether you’re sitting in a convention auditorium, at a boardroom table or being presented to by a colleague, a bad presentation stings like nothing else. - See more at:

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